Evian Carnival occurs before the Lent, so each year we have the opportunity to participate in this great event around late February or early March. I attended the Evian carnival twice in 2013 and 2014, both times brought us fun, excitement and joys!
(Track back the 2013 Evian carnival)
This year we got more diverse groups, although I could still recognize some of the groups performed here last year. The one above impressed me the most. See how inspirational the condoctor was! I hope that I could have that kind of passion as he did when teaching kids music.
Another interesting group!
Behind the performers, do you also see the Evian local landmark---the WOLF!
What a colorful outfit! Kids played the music very well.
This looks like a Mexican group, but unfortunately I didn't hear their performance....
The following one was a surprise to me. I didn't expect to see Scottish performance here but it happened!
Very nice and well-organized performance.
The last one I want to introduce in this article is a percussion and vocal group. Their performance was combined with dramatic theme and the whole design of their performance was very dynamic and attrative to audiance. Their outfit seemed to represent some Scandinavian tribe in prehistorical era, wild but powerful!